
amaze,astonish,surprise都含有一定的 驚訝 之意


amaze 使吃驚,程度比surprise強,一般指好事.

astonish 使驚愕,指使人大吃一驚,含有幾乎使人無法相信之意,是個語氣較強的詞 sth./to do sth./that... 被...驚嚇 )

surprise 使驚異,指由於突然的事情使人產生驚奇,有出乎意料的含義.普通用詞,語氣最弱.


1.I am __D__ by what you tell me.我聽了你所說的話覺得驚愕.

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__A__ her most was hearing her name mentioned on TV.她最大吃一驚的是在電視中聽到了自己的名字.

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__C__,the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture.起名字的'方法因文化不同而有很大差異是不足爲奇的.

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the __A__ of everybody,he won the prize.使大家驚奇的是,他竟得了獎.

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5.I was __B__ to find him there.我發現他在那兒,吃了一驚.

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