


  1. 既然表示“事實”,就無所謂真假,所以不要說true fact(真實的事實)或false fact(虛假的事實)。

  2. 漢語中說“事實是……”,說成英語通常是The fact is that…。如:

She didn’t answer my letter. The fact is that she didn’t even read it. 她沒有回我的信,事實是她連看都沒有看過。


The fact is, he has not enough money. 事實是,他沒有足夠的錢。

Fact is that they are angry with each other. 事實是他們生彼此的氣。

Fact is, she doesn’t like him. 事實是她不喜歡他。


The simple fact is, he’s not very good at his job. 簡單的.事實是,他的工作做得不是很好。

The plain fact is people still buy books. 清楚的事實是,人們還是會買書。

  3. 注意the fact that的3個重要用法:

(1) 按英語習慣,除極個別的介詞(如except, but等)外,一般的介詞之後原則上不能直接跟that從句作賓語。如要接,則需藉助the fact that這一結構。如:

I didn’t go out because of the fact that it was raining. 因爲在下雨,所以我沒出去。

The judge paid a lot of attention to the fact that the child was unhappy at home. 法官非常注意這一情況,即孩子在家裏並不快樂

(2) 爲了避免直接用從句放在句首作主語(因爲這樣顯得頭重腳輕且太正式),常用the fact that…結構作主語。如:

The fact that she was foreign made it difficult for her to get a job. 她是外國人,這就使她找工作很困難。

The fact that you haven’t got these qualifications doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t be able to enter the university. 不具備這些學歷一事,並不必然意味着你就不能進大學。

(3) 英語中有的動詞雖爲及物動詞,可接名詞或代詞作賓語,但通常不接that從句作賓語。若語義上需要接一個that從句,則可藉助the fact that結構。如:

I dislike the fact that he smokes. 我厭惡他吸菸。

No one can deny the fact that fire burns. 無人能否認火能燃燒的事實。

You can’t escape the fact that she has got married three times. 她結過3次婚,這個事實你是不能逃避的。

I admired the fact that he would talk to students outside the classroom or talk with them on the telephone. 我羨慕他經常在課外與學生聊天或通過電話與學生聊天。

  4. 用於 in fact, as a matter of fact, 意爲“事實上”“實際上”。如:

As a matter of fact, I didn’t have anything. 事實上,我什麼也沒有。

He doesn’t mind. In fact, he’s very pleased. 他對此並不介意,實際上他還很高興。