
If you want to climb the peak, not the rainbow as a ladder.以下是小編爲大家搜索整理的專四英語試題詞彙語法訓練附答案,希望能給大家帶來幫助!更多精彩內容請及時關注我們應屆畢業生考試網!


1. "What courses are you going to do next semester?" "I don't know. But it's about time____on something."

A. I' d decide

B. I decided

C. I decide

D. I' m deciding

police have offered a large____for information leading to the robber's arrest.

A. award

B. compensation

C. prize

D. reward

3. I arrived at the airport so late that I____missed the plane.

A. only

B. quite

C. narrowly

D. seldom

4. The popularity of the film shows that the reviewers' fears were completely____.

A. unjustified

B. unjust

C. misguided

D. unaccepted

head of the Museum was____and let us actually examine the ancient manuscripts.

A. promising

B. agreeing

C. pleasing

D. obliging

6. The multinational corporation was making a take-over____for a property company.

A. application

B. bid

C. proposal

D. suggestion

party' s reduced vote was____of lack of support for its policies.

A. indicative

B. positive

C. revealing

D. evident

8. There has been a____lack of communication between the union and the management.

A. regretful

B. regrettable

C. regretting

D. regretted

9. The teacher____expects his students to pass the university entrance examination.

A. confidentially

B. proudly

C. assuredly

D. confidently

10. The____family in Chinese cities now spends more money on housing than before.

A. normal

B. average

C usual

D. general


1. 答案:B



【詳細解答】 It's (about) time (that) … 是虛擬語氣句式,其謂語動詞要用一般過去式,因此B項是正確答案。

2. 答案:D



【詳細解答】 award意爲“獎品,獎金”;compensation意爲“補償金”;prize意爲“獎品,獎賞”; reward意爲“報酬,賞金”。根據句意,選項D爲正確答案。

3. 答案:C



【詳細解答】 only意爲“只不過,僅僅”; seldom意爲“很少”,爲頻度副詞;quite意爲“完全,徹底”;narrowly修飾動詞miss, lose等,意爲“幾乎,僅差一點”。

4. 答案:A



【詳細解答】unjustified意爲“沒有理由的'”;unjust意爲“不公正的”; misguided意爲“誤入歧途的”;unaccepted意爲“不被接受的”。根據句意,選項A爲正確答案。

5. 答案:D







【詳細解答】 application意爲“申請,請求”; bid意爲“投票,報價”,make a bid for意爲“出價買,企圖獲得”; proposal意爲“提議”; suggestion意爲“建議”。 根據句意,選項B爲正確答案。




【詳細解答】 indicative意爲“指示的,表明的”; positive意爲“積極的”; revealing意爲“暴露的,顯露的”;evident意爲“明白的,明顯的”。根據句意,選項A爲正確答案。




【詳細解答】A項regretful意爲“遺憾的”,一般指某人;regrettable意爲“令人遺憾的,可惜的”; regretting和regretted爲分詞形式,不能修飾名詞。故選項B爲正確答案。




【詳細解答】 confidentially意爲“機密地,保密地”; proudly意爲“自豪地”;assuredly意爲“無疑地,一定”;confidently意爲“確信地,有把握地”。根據句意,選項D爲正確答案。

10. 答案:B



【詳細解答】 normal意爲“正常的,標準的”; average意爲“普通的,中等的”; usual意爲“通常的”; general意爲“一般性的,普遍的”。根據句意,選項B爲正確答案。