
tal:a. 婚姻的


They have marital relations.他們有婚姻關係。

:n. 市場,商業中心

ot:n. 吉祥物

uerade:v. 假裝,冒充 n. 1.化裝舞會 2.假裝

He might try to masquerade as a policeman.他也許會設法化裝成警察。

age:n. & v. 按摩,推拿

ermind:v. (巧妙地)策劃 n. 智多星

He masterminded a number of terrorist attacks.他謀劃了許多次恐怖襲擊行動。

ng:n. 交配

ix:n. 1. 發源地,策源地 2. 矩陣

Rome was the matrix of Western civilization.羅馬是西方文明之母。

:v. 抓傷,拉傷

The hunter was mauled by a lion.這名獵人被一頭獅子撕裂了皮肉。

m:n. 格言


state:v. 摧毀,破壞,毀滅

I was devastated by the news of the crash.我獲悉失事的`消息感到十分震驚。

ous:a. 1. 迂迴的,曲折的 2.不坦率的

He was as devious as his adversary was ruthless.他的對手冷酷, 他也同樣陰險。

se:v. 計劃,設計

He hasdevised a scheme for making money.他想出一個賺錢的辦法。

lve:v. 把(權力、職責等)移交給

Upon his retirement, the business devolved on his son.他退休時, 生意由兒子接管。

ut:a. 虔誠的,衷心的

Thedevout man prayed daily.那位虔誠的男士每天都祈禱。

erity:n. 靈巧,熟練

etes:n. 糖尿病

ectic(s):n. 辯證法

etrically:ad. 完全,全然

His character is diametrically opposed to mine.他的性格和我截然相反。

rhoea:n. 腹瀉