





A term sometimes applied to a stylus in a thermal matrix printer.

有時用來指熱敏點陣打印機的觸針的一個術語。Huntington's set contains twenty-three postulates and has sphere and inclusion as primitive terms

韓廷頓公設集合包括23條公設,把球和包含作爲原始術語。In the computer-related sense, a term that denotes sensing and input by means of photoelectric devices

在與計算機相關的意義中,用來修飾或說明用光電設備進行感測和輸入的術語。In computer terms, a blending of media types:text, audio, visual, and computer data in one convenient delivery medium

用計算機的術語來說,多媒體是文本、聲音、圖象、計算機數據這些信息載體混合成的一種便於傳送信息的媒介。Nautical phraseology

航海術語Glossary of terms

術語彙編the dialect of science.

科學術語Proper use of words asnames or symbols

術語的正確使用;術語用法Shang-Lin Yuan

上林苑(漢代術語)nautical Synonyms at diction


n. 期,期限;學期;任期;條款;項;條;術語

v. 把…稱爲,把…叫做

It is a contradiction in terms.

這在措詞上是自相矛盾的`。Hip is short term and earnest is long term.

時髦是短暫的,真誠是長遠的。extreme term of proportion

比例外項 We have four terms a year.

我們每年有四個學期。A semester consists of 2 terms.


n. 用辭;術語(學)

This choice of terminology is admittedly a bit awkward.

大家公認術語的這種選法有些不合理。Oceanographic terminology--Physical oceanography

GB/T15920-1995海洋學術語物理海洋學 The particularly liberal terminology of folk art studies further confuses the matter of definitions.

民間藝術研究中不精確的專有名詞使定義更加混亂。 I don't know whether it is a terminology of zoology or not.

我不知道它是不是動物學的專門用語。In data base terminology, a single instance, for example, a set occurrence, a record occurrence.
