
踝扎 ankle strap


仰臥起坐板 abdominal boards

腰帶 rubber belt

腹肌練習器 abdominal conditioner

舉重 weightlifting

仰臥起坐 abdominal curl

槓鈴 barbell

腹部運動 abdominal exercise

舉重服 weightlifting suit

腹圍、腰身 abdominal girth

舉重鞋 weightlifting shoe

直立提肘 abductor lift

舉重手套 weightlifting glove

走向槓鈴 address the bar

拉力器 wall pulley

加重 add weight to the bar

組合啞鈴 dumb-bell sets

可調式頭帶 adjustable headstrap

鍍鉻啞鈴 chrome dumbell

活動斜板 adjustable slant board

普通正反握 alternate

正反握 alternate grip

(啞鈴)交替推 alternate press

交替練習法 alternate set system

美國式 American style

踝部加重袋 ankle weight

自選動作 anyhow

走向槓鈴 appoach the bar

屈臂練習凳 arm curl bench

背後直臂上舉 arm extension