


lead to


The path to glory is always rugged.

通向光榮的道路常常是坎坷不平的。His room is approached by a flight of steps.

有一段臺階通向他的房間。 No road of flowers leads to glory. ——Jean de La Fontaine

沒有一條通向光榮的道路是鋪滿鮮花的'。The ciliated funnel - shaped inner opening of a nephridium into the coelom in some invertebrates and lower vertebrates.

腎孔,腎口一些無脊椎動物和低等椎動物體內通向體腔的腎管纖毛,漏斗形,內部開口Where does this road go to?

這條路通向哪裏?This door opens into the dining-room.

這門通向餐廳。A first stepping-stone on the path to success

通向成功的第一步 highroad to happiness.

通向幸福的捷徑The room opens into a corridor.

這房間通向走廊。The street leads to the supermarket.


v. 帶領,引導;通往;致使;領先

n. 領先;榜樣;線索;導線;鉛

Will you take the lead?

你領個頭好嗎?Lead poisoning( or plumbism ):Poisoning by accumulation of lead in the body.

鉛中毒:鉛在體內積累引起的中毒。The road leads direct there.

這條路直接通那兒。The dog is straining at its lead.

那條狗正使勁地拖拽皮帶。Put the dog on the lead!
