


  hand in to

  give to higher authority


I want everybody to turn a report in.

我希望每個人都上交一份報告。Please give your examination papers in(to the teacher)when you've finished.

考卷答完後請上交(給老師).I would just as soon have a minimum tax and take a lot less of that flak.

我寧願上交最低限度的稅款,而不要再聽那些指責”。 A portion of a sphere bounded by the intersections of two parallel planes with the sphere.

帶兩個平行平面在球面上交叉形成的部分fulfill one month ahead of time the unalterable quota of 6,000,000yuan in profit to be turned over to the state


n. 彈性,伸展性

v. 給;授予;贈送;捐贈;供給;告訴,提供;產生;讓步;塌下;舉辦;支付

Will you give it a shot?

你想做嘗試嗎? He gives twice who gives quickly

The purpose is not to give an exhaustive treatment.


adj. [high] 的`比較級;更高的

The help are demanding higher wages.

僱工們要求增加工錢。 Responsible to higher authority; accountable.

對上級負責的;應負責任的 You will have to remit this problem to a higher authority.

你得把這個問題提交給上一級。 authority是什麼意思:

n. 權力;行政管理機構;當局;當權者;權威;權威人士;威信;許可;授權書

The authority is not reasonable.

這個判例並不合理。A person in authority, with authority, speaks slowly.

一個有權威,使用權利的人,說話很慢。Do you have the balls to challenge authority?
