



經典例題: Since the invention of the transistor at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in1984,it has found its way into varied applications in the commercial,industrial and military fields.

參考譯文: 自從1984年貝爾電話研究所發明晶體管以來,晶體管的種種應用已遍及商業、工業和軍事各個領域。(狀語譯成主語) 經典例題: Television is different from radio in that it sends and receives pictures. 參考譯文: 電視和無線電的'不同點在於電視能收發圖像。(表語譯成主語)

經典例題: Matter is usually electrically neutral,that is,it has as many protons,as electrons. 參考譯文: 物質通常是不帶電的,就是說,它的質子和電子數量是相等的。(賓語譯成主語)


經典例題: There is a need for improvement in your study habits. 參考譯文: 你的學習習慣需要改進。(主語譯成謂語)


經典例題: He is admired by everybody. 參考譯文: 大家都很欽佩他。(主語譯成賓語)

經典例題: Materials to be used for structural purpose are chosen so as to behave elastically in the environmental condition. 參考譯文: 用於結構上的材料必須選擇得使它們在周圍環境條件下具有彈性。(狀語譯成賓語)


經典例題: He drew a deep breath.

參考譯文: 他深深地吸了一口氣。(定語譯成狀語)

經典例題: Pictures show him in the company of men like Churchill,Einstein and Gandhi. 參考譯文: 在這些照片中我們可以看到他和邱吉爾、愛因斯坦、甘地這些人的交往。(主語譯成狀語)



經典例題: At the slightest improvement in my work they would show warm approval. 參考譯文 我工作稍有進步,他們就熱情肯定。


經典例題: This causes the construction of gigantic buildings where too large masses of human beings are crowded together. 參考譯文: 這樣就蓋起了許多人聚居的高樓大廈。