



Publicizing Lists of Uncivilized Residents

1. 目前某市政府在媒體上曝光不文明的市民

2. 人們對這種做法反應不一

3. 你的看法


Publicizing Lists of Uncivilized Residents

To improve tbe behavior of its citizens, the government of X City has teamed with local media to release lists of uncivilized behavion. The lists have photos and basic information of offenders e. g, drivers brealdng traffic rules have their license-plate nurabers listed along with the time and location of the infraction. This has attracted particular public attention.

Some welcome the policy, believing it will deter people ftom poor behavior They say it will force people to behave themscives, or they will risk being named and shamed in the media. However, critics have complained that the initiative is an abuse of administrative power and is irresponsible* Citizens should certainly be held responsible for misconduct, they say, but the government should also create an environment to help people exercise self-discipline.

Personatlyt I agree that citizens should be responsible for their improper behavior but governments also do have a responsibility to improve their management. Besides, according to laws, law enforcement departments are entitled to give the proper punishments to violators of public regulations. It is, however, groundless for these governmental organs to publicly disgrace the rule- brcakcis.



2.另外, 還有部分考生在寫作中存在內容空泛,沒有重點,不着邊際。這一部分考生在考試時一見到作文題,便感到很對自己的胃口,不覺心中竊喜,激情澎湃,千言萬語頓時涌上心頭。寫着不假思索,奮筆疾書,往往前句尚未寫完便接上了後一句,辛辛苦苦寫了一大堆猶覺餘意未盡。結果下筆千言,離題萬里,令判卷的老師頭疼不已。原因就在於這種沒有構思、未理提綱的作文章法混亂,語言質量太差。因此,寫作時必須按一定的提綱或思路去寫,天馬行空,任由思緒馳騁答卷之上便註定了你的作文將成爲“滿紙荒唐言”。