




David: What's on today, Xiao Wang?//

Xiao Wang: 今天我們去長城,並在那裏午餐,下午回來的路上還要去看看十三陵。// 你一定聽説過長城,來到北京,長城是一定要去的。// 十三陵是明朝13個皇帝和皇后的墳墓,是15世紀建造的',雖然沒有長城有名,但也很值得一看。//

David: I've read about the renowned Chinese wall. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, I believe. It is said to be the only man-made project on earth which is visible from a satellite. //

Xiao Wang: 我們中國人叫它“萬里長城”,實際上全長6000多公里,最初建於近2500年前的戰國時期。// 當時中國還不是一個統一的國家,而是分為7國。北方的幾個國家修建城牆用來防禦來自北方的侵犯。// 公元前221年秦始皇統一中國後將各段長城連接起來並加以延長。據歷史記載大約有100萬人參加過這一長達十多年的工程

David: Was the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty the one in whose tomb were discovered the terra-cotta warriors? //

Xiao Wang: 是的。除了修建長城以外,他也作過不少事情。雖然他的王朝是短命的,但他對中國歷史的影響卻是巨大的。

David: Imagine it was more than 2,000 years ago when there was no machinery and everything had to be done by bare hands. // Yet they managed to build a wall like this and the terra-cotta warriors, which, as many people say, have become the eighth wonder of the world. //

Xiao Wang: 今天我們去的那段長城叫八達嶺,這是保衞北京的一個戰略要地,離北京約75公里。現在有了高速公路,不到兩個小時就到了。// 關於長城你若有什麼問題的話,不論是在路上還是到了那裏隨時都可以問我。//

David: Thank you for your briefing. I'm sure our visit to the Great Wall will give me a better understanding of Chinese history and the wisdom of the Chinese people.//


Now I'd like to move on to three possible policies, which could be developed to stem this kind of uncontrolled urbanization in developing countries.//

The first one would be to promote a more equal land distribution. In this way, farmers would be more motivated to stay on the land. They would be able to work more land, and thus be able to feed their families more adequately. //

The second policy would be to improve the supply of social services in the rural areas, particularly in the field of health and education.// country people often move to the city because they feel that these services are better in the city areas, and if they could compare the services and feel that there was perhaps not much difference between the two, it would be another reason for not moving.//

A third possible policy would be to give financial assistance to agriculture, especially to the small landowners.// Now obviously the problem of uncontrolled urbanization and the consequences, which are not favorable, is a difficult problem to which there is no easy solution, but these three types of policies could help to reduce the problem, which is felt in particular in developing countries.//





孔夫子説過,“有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎。”這次布朗先生從大洋彼岸不遠千里光臨我們公司,我非常高興。// 在過去幾年裏我們兩家公司已經建立了卓有成效的合作關係。我相信通過布朗先生的這次訪問,我們的合作還會加強。//




