


advanced study


One who is engaged in postgraduate study.

研究生大學畢業後繼續深造的人。Paul prolonged his education with six years of advanced study in English.

保羅延長了他的受教育時間,打算花6年時間深造英語。 She is pursuing her studies at the university.

她在大學繼續深造。My teacher encourages me to progress in further study.

老實鼓勵我進行深造。He is looking forward to having advanced study in England.

他盼望能在英國深造"After college,he decided to go on with more studies."

他大學畢業後要繼續深造。scholarly pursuits;a scholarly edition with footnotes.

學術深造;有註腳的學術編輯Three years later he matriculated for advance study.

三年後他入大學深造。She decided to pursue her studies after obtaining her first degree.

她決定在獲得學士學位之後繼續深造。She wanted to talk to her granddaughter, who studied in Milan, on Skype.



adj. 先進的,開明的;高級的;年邁的

v. 前進;增加;上漲

Prices are advancing.

各種物價都在上漲。The advance was sounded.

進軍號吹響了。Petroleum is on the advance.

石油價格正在上漲。The work is not advancing.

工作沒有進展。an advanced stage of illness; a person of advanced age.

疾病的晚期;年邁的人 study是什麼意思:

n. 學習,研究;結論,研究成果;學問,課題;書房

v. 學習,研究;細察;端詳

There is no satiety in study 學無止境

This is a studied remark. 這是經過深思熟慮的評語

This is a macrocosm study. 這是一個整體性研究

creation and study 創作與習作

Social studies is the study of how man lives in societies.社科課程是對人們怎樣在社會中生活的研究。