
旅遊黃金週golden week for tourism


世界旅遊日World Tourism Day

標準/豪華遊normal/luxury tour(travel)

黃金線路/景點hot travel route/spot

出境遊/國內遊outbound/inbound tourism

自助遊independent/do-it-yourself travel

隨團旅遊group travel

外灘(上海) the Bund

斜拉索橋stayed-cable bridge

新幹線 “the Shinkansen, bullet train”

磁懸浮列車Maglev(train); magnetically levitated train; magnetic suspension train

輕軌light rail train

旱地滑雪場mock skiing park

風景區scenic areas

寧靜環境peaceful environment

美麗景色beautiful views

如畫的風景picturesque landscape

水鄉澤國the water resort

獨特的'人文景觀unique human landscape

物華天寶a land of plenty

人傑地靈rich land fostering more talents

人文山水a unique culture in a nice natural surrounding

優美的高山高原自然風光beautiful plateau natural scenery

布達拉宮the Potala Palace

出土文物unearthed cultural relics

古建築羣ancient architectural comples

古文化遺址sites of primitive cultures

北京故宮博物館the Palace Museum

秦始皇兵馬俑博物館 Museum of the Terra-cotta Warriors

四川三星堆博物館the Sanxingdui Museum in Sichuan

陵墓emperor’s mausoleum/tomb

古墓ancient tomb

皇城imperial city

行宮temporary imperial palace for brief stays

御花園imperial garden

頤和園the Summer Palace

蒙古包 (Mongolian) yurt

佛教建築the Buddhist architecture

歷史古蹟historical sites

土特產品local specialties

星級飯店star-rated hotel

文明風景旅遊示範點model civilized scenic site

國際旅遊局China National Tourism Adminiatration

入境遊客international tourist arrivals

旅遊服務需方 business second party of tourist service

顧客 customer

旅遊者 tourist

旅遊散客 independent traveler

旅遊團隊 tour group

旅遊服務供方 service supplier in tourism

旅遊服務組織 service organization in tourism

旅遊服務企業 enterprise of service in tourism

旅遊定點企業 designated tourism enterprises

旅遊服務特性 characteristics