


  Xia Mianzun·Winter in White Horse Lake

| 譯文摘自張培基《英譯中國散文選二》

在我過去四十餘年的生涯中,冬的情味嘗得最深刻的,要算十年前初移居白湖的時候了。十年以來,白馬湖已成了一個小村落, 當我移居的時候,還是一片荒野。春暉中學的新建築巍然矗立於湖的那一面,湖的這一面的山腳下是小小的幾間新平屋,住着我和劉君心如兩家。此外兩三裏內沒有人野。一家人於陰曆十一月下旬從熱鬧的杭州移居這荒涼的山野,宛如投身於熱帶中。

  I am now over forty, but it was not until ten years ago that I got a feel of what winter was really like soon after I had moved my residence to White Horse Lake, a place beyond my home town. Since then, it has grown into quite a village, but it was an expanse of wilderness at the time when I moved in. The new buildings of Chun Hui Middle School then stood tall on the other side of the Lake while on this side were several newly-built small one-storey houses tucked away at the foot of a mountain where lived two families separately, the family of mine and that of Liu Xinru. The neighborhood was totally unpopulated far and wide except for the two households. Having moved from Hangzhou to this desolate countryside late in the month eleven of the lunar year, we felt like getting bogged down in a polar region.



2,“冬的情味嘗得最深刻的”即“令我真正體會冬天的…”譯爲I got a feel of what winter was really like, feel意爲“體驗”

3,“a place beyond my home town”是增譯部分,體現了作者對於家鄉的熱愛

4,“湖的這一面的山腳下是小小的幾間新平屋”譯爲while on this side were several newly-built small one-storey houses tucked away at the foot of a mountain,“平屋”即“平房”,與bungalow(平房)不完全相同,tuck away屬增益成分,意爲“隱藏在…”更加強調了周圍環境的寂靜,更增添了幾分原文的味道


6,“宛如投身於熱帶中”譯爲we felt like getting bogged down in a polar region.其中,“投身於”譯爲get bogged down in(陷入…困境)更加符合原文情景


夏丏尊的散文我們之前也分析過不少了,比如之前的《我之於書》《中年人的寂寞》,其文章以感情真摯著稱,本文中分別對向馬湖的寒風 、風光和積雪進行了抒情式的描寫.文章構思嚴謹周密,平淡樸素的用語中,卻蘊含了作者對舊地故屑的眷眷之情,爲了充分表達這種感情,需進行適當的增譯。

那裏的風,差不多日日有的,呼呼作響,好像虎吼。屋宇雖系新建,構造卻極粗率,風從門窗隙縫中來,分外尖削,把門縫窗隙厚厚地用紙糊了,椽縫中卻仍有透入。風颳得厲害的時候,天未夜就把大門關上,全家吃畢夜飯即睡入被窩裏,靜聽寒風的怒號,湖水的澎湃。靠山的小後軒,算是我的書齋,在全屋子中風最少的一間,我常把頭上的羅宋帽拉得低低地,在洋燈下工作至夜深。松濤如吼,霜月當窗,飢鼠吱吱在承塵上奔竄。我於這種時候深感到蕭瑟的詩趣,常獨自撥划着爐 灰,不肯就睡,把自己擬諸山水畫中的人物,作種種幽邈的遐想。

  The wind there blew almost every day, bowling like a tiger’s roaring. The new houses were of poor quality, with a biting wind coming in through every chink in the doors and windows. And our efforts to have all the cracks sealed with paper nevertheless failed to stop it from breaking into the house. When it was very windy, all we could do was to shut the front door before dark and go to bed after supper, listening quietly to the whistling of the sharp wind and the surging of the Lake waters. In the small rear-room close to the mountain, which, least affected by the wind, was my study, I often worked by the light of an oil lamp late into the night, with my woolen cap pulled down, while the pines were singing in the wind, the white moon shining on the window, and hungry rats squeaking and scurrying in the neighborhood of the ceilings. Seized with a poetic mood generated by the scene of bleakness, I would stay up late and sit alone poking the charcoal fire, imaging myself a figure in a traditional Chinese landscape painting and indulging in deep reveries.


1,“粗率”即“粗略草率,不精確,不周到”涉及到房屋可譯爲were of poor quality

2,“風從門窗隙縫中來,分外尖削”意爲“凜冽的風從縫隙中吹來”,biting wind簡潔生動。

3,“靠山的小後軒,算是我的書齋,在全屋子中風最少的一間…”譯爲In the small rear-room close to the mountain, which, least affected by the wind, was my study…原文把“在全屋中風最少的一間”放於句末,而譯文中卻把其作爲插入性成分放入句中。強調的是“風最少”譯者深刻地意會到了原文 作者的用意,將其作爲插入成分放到了譯文中。 因爲在英文中插入成分是可以起到強調和引也讀者注態的功能的. 很好地表這了原作者的意圖,不僅使譯文自然流暢而口準確地傳達了原作者的用意。

3,“松濤如吼,霜月當窗”譯爲while the pines were singing in the wind, the white moon shining on the window,注意“當窗”即“正對着窗戶”

4,“飢鼠吱吱在承塵上奔竄”譯爲hungry rats squeaking and scurrying in the neighborhood of the ceilings,其中“承塵”作“天花板”解是我國特有的文化詞之一。 如果直譯恐外國人不知所云,譯者在這裏用了“the neighbor­hood of the ceilings”,語義清晰明瞭。

5,“把自己擬諸山水畫中的人物,作種種幽邈的遐想”即“想象自己是山水畫中的人物,並沉浸在自己的遐想中”譯做imaging myself a figure in a traditional Chinese landscape painting and indulging in deep reveries.
