


On both sides of the road and the corner of Shanghai, recently many "variety" of "take out" bicycle, orange, yellow, blue, green, etc., to the city with a color, this is "Shared cycling". Under today's advocates the concept of environmental protection, the bicycle as a daily travel, convenient and environmental protection, also the last kilometer to solve city and more convenient, need not again like before saving to buy a bike again afraid thief stealing, live upstairs every day still have to carry my bike upstairs, from time to time have to bother to bother it will take. Now, just scanning the qr code, the cell phone can pay the bill, the price is inexpensive, convenient and affordable. It is said that a color represents an investment company, and it appears that there are many companies that are invested in it.

"Sharing bicycles", this is originally a benefit of the people, can thus produce the malpractice, do not know the department is not aware of, or did not do the corresponding measures and the restraints on the market? It's not going to be a blind eye.

I was just a civilian, and I could not think of it as far as I could see in the present.

1). Many on both sides of the road was not allowed to park the bike, the bike must be parked where there is a sign that I once saw a roadside didn't comply with the requirements of the park's bike is trailer towed away, but now stay there in silhouette, often also stagger, nobody tube, and on street corners, neighborhood near the tree will be "Shared cycling" (some local private bikes are mixed together to stop). Devotees thought, perhaps, is: borrow the bike, will follow the rules to borrow after return to a nearby parking lot, but reality is not so, if there is no law, it is as close to their destination, the better. In this way, when adding a colour to the same time, and the addition, the street mess elephant is not to be blocked?

2) security issues; A few days ago, I saw a couple of half-dozen children riding a car in the middle of an unwide street. There is an age limit for children to ride a bicycle on the road, and not to the provisions of the age, the home not to buy the bike, now good, has a convenient "" share a bicycle, children also convenient, now children than their parents generally tall, it is difficult to figure out to not to the age, as to the cost of borrow the car, it's needless to say, now of the children who haven't the" money "? What's more, do you have to go to the road on your bike and have some safety lessons for your kids?

Once again "salty eat radish, worry", hope is to worry, everything is ok.

上海的馬路兩側及拐角處,不久前“冒”出了許多“形形色色”的自行車,有橙色、黃色、藍色、綠色等等,給城市抹上了一道色彩,這就是“共享單車”。 在當今提倡環保理念之下,自行車作爲日常出行,即方便又環保,也爲解決城市最後一公里而添方便,不用再像以前省吃儉用買輛自行車又怕賊偷,住樓上的.每天還得把自行車扛上樓,時不時還得費心勞神擦車。現在只要掃掃二維碼,手機就能付賬,價格不貴,方便實惠。據說,一種顏色代表一個投入的公司,看來這投入的公司也不少。




