



  Wild Grass


Xia Yan



  There is a story which goes like this:

  Someone a ed, "What has the greatest strength on earth?" The answers varied. Some said, "The elephant." Some said, "The lion." Some said jokingly, the fierce-browed guardian gods to Buddha. But nobody of course tell how strong the guardian gods were.


1,“有…”的句型,常用there be 結構來表示,如:我的腿沒有毛病。

=There is nothing the matter with my legs.

2,“世界上什麼東西的氣力最大“譯爲What is the most powerful thing in the world?,其中on earth和in the world同義,但此處用on earth通常在疑問句或最高級後加強語氣~

3,“紛紜“即”多種多樣的“用 a variety of,此外它的衍生物various,也灰常常見,不僅表”各種“還可以表”不同“,如Of course, many problems recur at various periods.



5,另外此“金剛“非彼金剛哦(不要想着大猩猩或者擎天柱了好嗎?~)這裏指的是守護佛法的天神,經常怒目作勇猛之相,因此譯爲 fierce-browed guardian gods to Buddha.



  All the answers turned out to be wide of the mark. The mightiest thing on earth is the seed of a plant. The great strength which a seed is capable of is simply matchless. Here goes another story:

  The bones forming a human skull are so tightly and perfectly fit together that all physiologists or anatomists, hard as they try, are powerless to take them apart without damaging them.


1,“這一切答案完全不對”譯爲All the answers turned out to be wide of the mark.其中 wide of the mark,意即“離譜,不正確”,也可以用far from來譯。


②再分析句與句之間的邏輯(一般都爲因果關係)——本句意爲“頭蓋骨中的骨頭結合得太過緊密,以致於專家無法分解”——用so that 串聯

③於是:句子的主幹就粗線了~即The bones forming a human skull are so tightly and perfectly fit together that all physiologists or anatomists , are powerless to take them apart without damaging them.

④“用盡了一切的方法” 作爲狀語出現,譯爲 hard as they try——as引導的讓步狀語


3,“把它完整地分出來”即“把它完好無損地分開”,故譯爲to take them apart without damaging them


  It so happened that, at the suggestion of someone, some seeds of a plant were placed inside a human skull awaiting dissection before heat and moisture were applied to cause them to grow. Once they started to grow, they let loose a terrific force to separate all the skull bones, leaving each of them intact. This would have been impossible with any mechanical power under the sun. See, how powerful the seeds of a plant can be!


1, It so happened that=剛好,碰巧,此處不宜譯作suddenly(表示突如其來地)

2, “後來忽然有人發明了一個方法,就是…”這個句子很明顯主要在講這個“方法”的內容,用it 做主語,來使句子重心轉移

3, “使它發芽”譯爲to cause them grow~也可譯爲to cause them to put out fresh shoots~

4, 本句又粗線一枚“完整地分開”,譯爲“separate sth and leave each of them intact”

5, “植物種子力量之大,如此如此。”意即“看,種子的力量是多麼多麼大!”故譯爲See, how powerful the seeds of a plant can be!


  This story may be somewhat too unusual for you to understand. Well, have you ever seen the growth of a bamboo shoot? Or the growth of tender grass from under a heap of rubble or rocks? Seeking sunlight and survival, the young plant will labour tenaciously through twists and turns to bring itself to the surface of the ground no matter how heavy the rocks overhead may be or how narrow the opening between them. While striking its roots deep into the soil, the young plant pushes its new shoots above-ground. The irresistible strength it can muster is such as to overturn any rock in its way. See, how powerful a seed can be!


1,“它爲着嚮往陽光,爲着達成它的生之意志,不管上面的石塊如何重,石塊與石塊之間如何狹,它必定要曲曲折折地,但是頑強不屈地透到地面上來,”這是一個意羣,爲了避免句子太長太長,斷句,譯爲Seeking sunlight and survival, the young plant will labour tenaciously through twists and turns to bring itself to the surface of the ground no matter how heavy the rocks overhead may be or how narrow the opening between them.此句分析如下:


②“爲着嚮往陽光,爲着達成它的生之意志”意即“爲了爭取陽光和生存”,故譯爲狀語Seeking sunlight and survival


④“曲曲折折地”意即“經歷很多曲折”,譯爲 through twists and turns




Though nobody describes the little grass as a "husky", yet its herculean strength is unrivalled. It is the force of life invisible to the naked eye. It will display itself so long as there is life. The rock is utterly helpless before this force — a force that will forever remain militant, a force that is resilient and can take temporary setbacks calmly, a force that is tenacity itself and will never give up until the goal is reached.


1,“將…叫做”譯爲describe …as…


3,“只要生命存在,這種力就要顯現”,中的“只要…就”,用了我們熟悉的so/as long as


3,“有韌性,不達目的不止的力”譯爲a force that is tenacity itself and will never give up until the goal is reached.其中的itself一詞是用來加強前面的抽象名詞tenacity的哦,文學翻譯中很常見~如:The kitchen itself is almost a separate kingdom within the hotel.(廚房在旅館裏幾乎是一個獨立王國。)


  When a seed falls under debris instead of on fertile soil, it never sighs in despair because to meet with obstruction means to temper itself.


1, 本句乃至全篇,都有對野草,石頭擬人化的描寫,而張爺爺的譯文也很好地表現出了這些修辭格,比如該句中的sigh in despair等,

2, 對於後一句的翻譯,書中並沒有,現將網上流傳的翻譯貼上來,供大家參考[Indomitable is the grass that begins its very life with a tough struggle. It is only fit and proper that the proud grass should be jeering at (嘲笑)the potted flowers in a glass house.]