


  Traditional Marriage傳統婚姻

forced ( /coercive ) marriage 逼婚

forcing somebody to get married 逼婚(娶或嫁)


unlawful ( /illegal) marriage 非法婚姻

feudalistic marriage 封建式婚姻

husband purchase 購夫制

wife purchase 購妻制

shotgun marriage 強制婚姻

group marriage 羣婚

uxorilocal marriage 入贊婚


arranged marriage 撮合婚(指父 I 之命、媒妁之言的婚姻)

civil marriage 世俗結婚

child marriage 童婚

good marriage喜結良緣 polygamy 一夫多妻制

monogamy 一夫一妻制

lucky ( /auspicious ) day 黃道吉日

marriage 婚嫁

marriage contract (/engagement )婚約

be burdened with a family 家累

marrying into money 嫁入朱門

hen-pecked husband 懼內


wedding feast 喜宴

better half 賢內助

rdation by marriage ; in-laws 姻親

wedded ( /lawful) wife 元配

couple leading a poor life;se iage 糟糠夫妻

mate selection 擇配

ill-assorted marriage 不相配的婚姻


marriage of convenience 功利婚姻

uxorilocal marriage 入贅婚 '

runaway marriage 私奔結婚

running away from wedding 逃婚

negotiating marriage 協商婚事

relation by marriage 姻親

early marriage 早婚

prescribed marriage 指定婚姻

prenatal betrothal 指腹爲婚

growing old together 白頭偕老

  Modern Marriage 現代婚姻

jealousy 猜忌

long separation 長期分居

matrimonial dispute 婚姻糾紛

marriage failure ;

bust-up 婚姻失敗

love)吃醋 (of woman ) remarrying 改嫁

lawful (/legal) divorce 合法離婚

marriage tragedy 婚姻悲劇

rate of divorce 離婚率

divorce certificate 離婚證書

broken family破裂家處

petitioning for divorce 請求離婚

dissolution of marriage 解除婚姻關係

be widowed 喪偶

extra-marital affair 外遇

be childless 無子

remarrying after the death of one’s wife續絃

divorce from wife與妻子離婚

divorce from husband 與丈夫離婚

marriage liberalization 婚姻自由

free marriage自由婚姻

marriage for love爲愛情結婚

conjugal relation 婚姻關係

marriage advertisement 徵婚廣告

free selection 自由選擇

common-law marriage 同居

matrimonial right and duties 婚姻權利與義務