


pay (動)付款

fill (動)填寫

administration 管理、經營

note 紙幣

registration desk 入宿登記處

lobby 前廳

luggage rack 行李架

visit card 名片

identification card 身份證

rate of exchange 兌換率

conversion rate 換算率

charge (動)收費

bill 帳單

change money 換錢

procedure 手續、程序

information desk 問詢處

luggage label 行李標籤

overbooking 超額訂房…

per cent 百分之…

reasonable (形)合理的

cash (動)兌換

keep (動)保留、保存

bank draft 匯票

accept (動)接受

procedure fee 手續費

fill in the form 填表

operator 電話員

house phone 內部電話

special line 專線

dial a number 撥號碼

hold the line 別掛電話

can't put somebody through 接不通

ordinary telegram 普通電話

receiver 聽筒


city phone 城市電話

telephone number 電話號碼

replace the phone 掛上電話

Line, please. 請接外線

The line is busy (engaged) 佔線

send a telegram (cable) 發電報

long distance 長途電話

telephone directory 電話簿

call somebody up 打電話給某人

can't hear somebody 聽不見